Practical Tips for Spending Time in the Prayer Room

Life can often move very fast, and sometimes it’s just downright difficult to slow down—and when we do, there are many things vying for our attention. This should cause us to be more intentional as we spend time in the presence of the Lord.

When you come to the Prayer Room, it is a good idea to have a general plan for how you will spend your time. Below are some practical suggestions that may be used in order to help you focus, engage with Jesus, and enhance your Prayer Room time.

General Tips

    • Develop a Bible study action plan and follow it. This may include a specific topic such as “The Knowledge of God,” “Your Identity in Christ,” “Justice”, etc... Continually studying the love of God, intimacy with Jesus, and the knowledge of God will help sustain your time in the prayer room.

    • Pray and Study the Apostolic Prayers, located on the Prayer Room table.

    • Have a prayer plan, which may include: meditating on a particular passage, declaring His promises, individual intercession, praying in the Spirit, etc...

    • Schedule time to take a short break away from others.

    • Journal your thoughts and revelations. Write down your prayers.

During Worship: This format usually takes place at the beginning of a set and in transitions out of intercession. 

    • Participate in singing the corporate worship songs.

    • Engage in spontaneous singing and join in with what the Lord is saying and singing during that particular set.

    • Follow along in the Bible with the theme and passage that is being used by the worship team. Example: if the team is singing “Holy is the Lord”, read and study Revelation 4 and 5.

    • Journal any revelation you receive from the songs being sung.

During Intercession: This format is designed for corporate intercession, used by praying the word. One of our goals is for hearts and minds to engage in intercession together. 

    • Turn off any devices such as phone or laptop.

    • Engage in the spontaneous singing.

    • Have your Bible ready so that you may follow along with the prayer leader (intercessor) on the microphone.

    • Posture yourself in a position that helps you focus, such as standing or pacing.

    • Pray on the microphone, when the prayer leader calls for volunteers.

    • Pray in the Spirit or pray for someone or a group that’s on your heart.