O U R  M I S S I O N

We exist to encounter the Lord and equip the saints, in a culture of worship and prayer. 


E N C O U N T E R   

We are a “presence-driven” ministry, and a people gathered around His goodness. Therefore, worship and prayer is not just “a ministry” here at One27, it is THE MINISTRY of One27. We believe these two ministries (of worship and prayer) are crucial for hosting His presence, and that all other expressions of ministry come out of this. This is why most of our gatherings are actual worship and prayer meetings. Hours a week are given to this.

E Q U I P 

Equipping is the primary overflow of our encounter with God. The (apostolic) model of One27 is to see the entire body equipped to do the works of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13) - no matter the age, gender, or background. This, coupled with worship and intercession, results in citywide transformation and effective discipleship that multiplies, rather than just “good services” that take place once or twice a week. In addition, we believe that every believer is called to ministry - whether it be the media, medical, arts, education, etc., and we are committed in equipping the church to be the fragrance of Christ in the earth (2 Cor. 2:14-15).


O U R  C U L T U R E

The Culture of One27 includes Prophetic Worship, Prayer, Intercession, Supernatural and Spirit-led ministry, Intimacy-based teaching, emphasis on hearing Gods voice, embracing of the 5-fold offices and ministry, walking in the prophetic, and embracing our Identity in Christ.  

Although we do have a corporate gathering on Sunday morning, One27 is not like a traditional local church. We are the church, just not in a traditional type of application or understanding. The dynamics of the house of prayer differ in application. For example, a local church is made up of many programs and is centered around the needs of people, whereas One27 is centered more around the “heaven on earth” paradigm (Matthew 6:9), which is expressed in worship, prayer, and intercession for the release of God’s Kingdom. Any program we launch must have its connection and/or application back to the place of prayer and worship. One example of this is, we require every staff member to embrace and attend the prayer room on a weekly basis, so that leadership is implementing a prayer culture.

“Revival hubs. Apostolic centers. Houses of prayer. Kingdom centers. Glory hubs. There are many different ways to describe the emerging model of church-as-we-have-never-known-it, but all of them break the traditional Sunday morning mold - and they all have at least one thing in common: they are rising up out of intercession from hearts desperate for more of God.”  -Jennifer LeClaire (from ‘Revival Hubs Arising’)